Wednesday, April 9, 2008

back to work

i went back to my old job just for a visit so i could show off my cute girls. it was fun to see everyone again, and of course everyone was so excited to see me, well at least to see my girls! i was having such a good time with everyone that i only got a few pictures, and only with my uncle (the boss). oh well, they're pretty cute.

here's the boss man (uncle mike) with abby & maddie

i turn around for 2 seconds and he's already got abby on the payroll. i guess you've got to start young
hmm, she's pretty good at this, you're hired!

i've also got to give diana props for the cute bows she makes. I don't leave the house without bows in their hair - and i still get asked if they're girls!! I think the bows just make every outfit 10x cuter!


diana said...

ooohhh, thanks for the shout out!

what cute shot of abby pounding away on the keyboard!

danberg said...

They are adorable, I love the bows too! With Emmy, she could be dressed in all pink with a big flower on her head, and by golly some old person would ask if she were a boy or a girl. I came to the following conclusions: Either old people are that dumb, or they really think us 'young uns' are stupid to dress our baby boys in all pink! :)
